Tuesday, May 6, 2008


NEW LIFE BERLIN is a contemporary art festival dedicated to new modes of moving and existing. 01.-15. June 08 Berlin
This is a participatory arts festival that looks at ways of engaging artists with open ended ideas and with global arts communities.
In contrast to traditional art festivals and biennials,
NEW LIFE BERLIN will not represent a set of cultural conclusions, but create a model for a fluid cultural landscape.
New Life Berlin webpage

One of the projects in the festival, The Sandwhich Box, involves sending a metal box to selected groups of artists throughout the world. Inside the box is a "Lysthus” a kind of tent, which artists are free to use for whatever artwork, or situation they might find relevant. The documentation of interacting with objects and interpreting into the context of an artists project becomes the work rather than a traditional outcome.
The experience of the project is considered to be an artistic process in and of itself, therefore it is the experience and hence, the documentation that becomes the artwork, rather than a singular artwork becoming manifest at the end of the project.
The Sandwhich Box

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